We received a task to create a Poster showing the work we have done. The text should be somewhere in the 500-800 words, clearly arranged and possible to read in 5 mins.
The day of the Crit I went to York Aesthetica for the day therefore had to send in my poster and collect my feed back from the poster.
Unfortunately I saved over the initial first copy of this therefore unable to show it, however from the feed back I received it needed a lot of work to be done as I had created white text boxes with a gold outline which looks appeasing but since the information was in different sizes from showing how I did my motion tracking the boxes were all different sizes and didn't work.
The next point was the size difference in the pictures showing how the tracking was done, in the fact some needed to be larger to be seen, therefore need to look at which pictures would be need to show enough information to the reader.
The last bit on the bottom of the poster was about my subject theme Storytelling and the research which had been used so far. This part received the same comment about the white text boxes in the fact they weren't great.
Final Poster design.
The changes which I have made, removed all the white text bowes with the yellow outline and changed the text to white to make it stand out and readable on a dark background. Added my title and methodologies at the top. How I made the motion tracking hand information has been alined and not at different levels, therefore looks professional. My images of the motion tracking showing each important step and all alined to the text for professionalism. Storytelling at the bottom showing information about how each aspect of film should be equal with an example if "Life of Pi" (2012) had no VFX in the film it just becomes a blue stuffed toy. Lastly the final thing to add was my name and course at the bottom as this would show who did this compared to the crit version as some of my peers didn't this was my work.
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