Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Production design

Questions to myself about this Film.

What is the film's theme?
It's a Comedy within a police force style set in the future.

What are it's mood progression?
Serious to start as the start is a interrogation scene which breaks down into more of a comedy feel, with action at the end to round the film off.

What kind of location should each sequence have?
The locations to match the scene and the atmosphere e.g. interrogation scene is in a dark large hall unknown to how large it is.

What statement should each location make towards the film's premise?

How should each set be lit?
Fairly bright as this is a comedy, so that it doesn't be dark at any point which would change the theme of the film.

What kind of props go with the set?
For Police areas wanted posters, files with case/investigation on them to add the aesthetics.

What kind of belongings do the characters keep around them?
Only the main character with a coat which is recognisable to the audience.

What kind of clothes do each character wear and what do the clothes tell us?
For Jake (C1) he wears the famous coat and he dress smart casual however when he's in act 2 the coat is on the sofa and dress casual.
For Chief (C2) very smart stuff e.g. shirt and tie gear then for Act 3 an overcoat.
Sir Ellseworth (C3) Very business type cloths with a hit of casual and the staff which is his iconic prop.

How does their wardrobe vary from scene to scene?
Since Jake (C1) is aways in the scene at different points his clothing changes from dective clothing to the couch potato and then back for the final event.

What colour Palette and progression would promote the film's thematic development?
Serious noir feel at the start with the 3 colours of black white and yellow into the bright happy colours of a comedy, then for the final scene fair neutral colours as the VFX from the sci-fi guns will add a lot of vibrant colours into the scene.

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