These drones have been Tricky for me, as I've been created them from very basic level and not as a fully model object, therefore they are grouped and proved a pain when animating sometimes.
Heres a Quick Ambient occlusion of the drones making natural shadows on them to improve the look when placed into the final product.
I started this model off by creating the body then creating the arms seperate to the base model and the same is for circle flying section. This is Fairly bad in terms of animation and game design however I can get away with this as it's for CGI and the final render is what counts.
The combination of the Drones and the Sci-fi soldier work well to create the atmosphere of the film plus by using real world footage for the drones gives them reference and helps me for the final product.
This is a shot for the final product with the drones being masked though out the scene to create them passing by the trees to imitate distance of the drones.
Overall I'm happy with the way this has come out and the only things that will need to be altered is the colour correction so that film flows nicely.
Overall the pros of this scene is that the drones fly at the camera to make them intimidating, but to makes the scene even better the sound for these guys will be key to bring them to the full potential.
Cons of this a lot of masking of trees to have the scene look awesome and not "flat" by having the drones sit on top of the film layer.
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