Tuesday, 6 January 2015

CoP 3 research: Colour in Film

From the comments of my work so far I was asked to use a theme colour to run throughout my film, therefore I looked at a game called Deus Ex:Human Revolution which uses a yellow tint throughout the game!

On this website
Symbolic colours used in film
1. Red – anger, passion, rage, desire, excitement, energy, speed, strength, power, heat, love, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence

2. Pink – love, innocence, healthy, happy, content, romantic, charming, playfulness, soft, delicate, feminine

3. Yellow – wisdom, knowledge, relaxation, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard

4. Orange – humour, energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant

5. Green – healing, soothing, perseverance, tenacity, self-awareness, proud, unchanging nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, youth, vigour, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy

6. Blue – faith, spirituality, contentment, loyalty, fulfilment peace, tranquillity, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, sky, water, cold, technology, depression

7. Purple – erotic, royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, mourning, power, sensitive, intimacy

8. Brown – materialistic, sensation, earth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, endurance, stability, simplicity

9. BLACK – No, power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger

10. White – Yes, protection, love, reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage (Western cultures), death (Eastern cultures), cold, clinical, sterile

11. Silver – riches, glamorous, distinguished, earthy, natural, sleek, elegant, high-tech

12. Gold – precious, riches, extravagance. warm, wealth, prosperity, grandeur”

Colour Theory.
Before I choose my theme colour, a quick look into the theory of colour will be most valuable because I'll be able to get a better understanding of colour and which colour will compliment my theme and ones which will clash.

I believe that Blue will be the best colour for my film as it relates closely to technology, therefore by looking at a colour wheel created by Issac Newton, I'll be able to tell which colour can be used with my theme and ones which won't.

If I chose Blue, I can use shades roughly related, ether darker, or lighter but could also move into Blue-Greens or Blue-Purples.  If however I use Yellow, being complimentary to the blue, I will need to think about a balance between the blue and the yellow, this colour use is Strikingly used in the film Columbiana (2011). The trailer for this film also uses the blue/yellow theme. click here for trailer!

The Blue/ yellow them alternates from shot to shot.  This is interspersed with high higlights of red - jacket, her lolipop and the man's red shirt.

I will find this most useful when it come to editing my film.

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